Saturday, March 10, 2012

Her Superhero name is "Cross-Eyes:

Olivia has an alter ego...she is a superhero and her name is Cross-Eyes. She can shoot lasers from her eyes and from her laser boots. She has also been known to bust out some karate kicks to take down the bad guys...and watch out for those Wolverine claws too...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

To Put You in the Christmas Spirit...

This morning I was getting ready for work and I overheard Olivia singing "Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer" in her room. It so stinking cute and I promised myself that I would eventually capture that moment in a video and post it to her blog...I just didn't know it would be this easy ;)

So without further ado, I present, Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer as sung by Olivia Grace Lloyd.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Videos as promised...

So this video is just cute...Olivia and I were at Costco ordering her birthday party cake and we saw some CUTE jackets - I had her try one on and then I took a picture so that we could show Eric later and then Olivia told me she wanted to take a "moving picture" too. So I did.

This one is just silly. Olivia and Eric and I were just hanging out and Olivia was making up her own songs. Most of the words are jibberish and a few are actual words inspired by things she saw in the living room, but the best part is the long note at the end :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Herman the Worm

I know...I know...I have been slacking!
Where are the videos, pictures and stories of my super awesome and hilarious child?

It is no excuse, but I have been busy lately. I do have Halloween pictures coming and birthday pictures as well. I will try to post all of those this weekend after Olivia's 3rd birthday party :)

But until then, take a look at this to keep you smiling until I get more Olivia pics and videos up. This is (most) of a song that I have been singing to Olivia - Momma Rue and I used to sing it when I was little. And there is even a prop - a gummy worm. ;)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thank you, Auntie Klenz!

This is a video that one of my BFFs made while she was in town from NYC.

By the way, Auntie Karen, ever since you said to Olivia, "you go to bed when it is still light out?" she has been giving us a hard time about going to bed when it is still light out.
Love you!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Olivia takes a bow

The reason that she wanted to put on a show is so that she could show me how to take a bow. So cute.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Olivia loves a dance party, and I am pretty sure that a dance montage video is NEVER bad so, here she is, shaking her bootie, dancing with her teddy bears, spinning til she can't spin no more, and...doing the Karen dance! Enjoy!